My dear friend and classmate Monica Patterson recently shared with me that this month Art & Activities is all about clay! They have articles that include several clay project ideas from masks to character bowls. As well as a short historical article on Southwest Indian Pottery. It is no surprise that my favorite article was a teapot lesson plan for upper elementary students- Teapots with A Twist. (p. 26-27) During undergrad I studied abroad in China through the West Virginia University China Ceramics Program. I came home with a new appreciation for tea and teapots. I went on to create a teapot lesson plan that was reject by my instructor because it was to difficult and maybe it was… but it is refreshing to see someone else putting teapot making into practice!
Link to the February issue of Art & Activities.
We are so proud of you and your work. You have come so far and work so hard. Keep on dreaming.